"Palm Springs": Movie Review
Written By Alex Greenbaum
There's something inherently irresistible about "Palm Springs" unique framework. Sure, its plot devices follow the likes of classic prior films like "Groundhog Day" to a tee, but there's a lingering sensation of excitement at each twist and turn. It helps that Andy Samberg, Cristin Milioti, and J.K. Simmons performances elevate the mediocre script to levels beyond my initial expectation, but the characters outside that engaging trio don't generate enough laughs.
Two strangers end up getting caught in an infinite time loop together and form an unwavering bond.
Through its strange tackling of many different concepts, "Palm Springs" ends up getting in its own way quite a bit. Its forced humor and one-dimensional side characters do not enhance the material nor do they intelligently advance its deeper message. Being left with such promise and seeing it not executed with the sophistication you'd hope for was disappointing.
However, there's still fun to be had and between Samberg, Milioti, and Simmons there's an electric dynamic that rarely lets up. Director Max Barbakow and screenplay writer Andy Siara do a solid job of formulating a film with ambitious ideas and somewhat succeed with their limited budget. While it's unfortunate they couldn't capitalize more by infusing the film with better drama and humor, there's a lot of unpredictable entertainment to keep you invested.
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