"Yesterday": Pointless And Unfunny

"Yesterday": Movie Review

A creative idea on paper never comes close to fruition, as "Yesterday" is a pointless and unfunny story, that doesn't recover from it's shallow writing and poor direction. 

An unguided musician (Himesh Patel) wakes up one day, after a violent car accident, to find himself in a world where The Beatles never existed. 

While intriguing, "Yesterday" never finds it's footing as a drama or romantic comedy. It's inclusion of forced comedic elements, and some bad performances by Kate McKinnon and Joel Fry, only add fuel to the fire. 

The direction by the inconsistent Danny Boyle always feels off. His characters, cinematography and story line feel as if he never really had creative control to go completely off the walls. All of the pieces of the formula end up going in different directions. A true failure from the very beginning to the end.

At last, "Yesterday" is an utter mess. The Beatles music, while fun, has no correlation with the scenes, and comes across as hokey. It's not funny, entertaining or meaningful in any way, and has defintiely taken a spot for one of the top ten worst movies of 2019.

1/2 Star Out Of 4 
