"Serenity": The Worst Movie Of The Decade

"Serenity":Movie Review

Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Diane Lane, Jason Clark should all obliterate this heap of monumental garbage off their IMDB page. "Serenity" is the worst movie of the decade.

A fisherman (McConaughey) tries to unravel his mysterious past, while being pulled into a murderous plan.

It's impossible to know where things went wrong, with the amateur direction, writing, and editing. It's a truly masterful job of inneptitude.

Even the acting is laughably atrocious, and outright comical. These are academy award caliber actors, brought down to Hallmark level disaster.

As the film dives deeper, you just wonder how a film like this was made in the first place.

0 Stars Out Of 4 
