"The Front Runner": The Trials And Tribulations Of Gary Hart

"The Front Runner": Movie Review

"The Front Runner" is as pertinent today as it was in 1988.

The exposure of lies amongst political figures and the media during Gary Hart's campaign is sometimes too obviously a parallel to todays politics. But the trials and tribulations of Hart is must see cinema.

In 1988, presidential candidate Gary Hart, (Hugh Jackman) had his campaign wrecked by a love affair.

Director Jason Reitman ("Up In the Air") masterfully captures the tumultuous time period. Bad haircuts and smoke filled meeting rooms, gives the film that realism so many films seem to miss.

The transparency and balanced nature of its writing gives a seemingly fair representation to the politicians as well as the media. In short, the film never takes sides.

Crafted with care, "The Front Runner" is a solid political drama, about the past so many have forgotten.

3 Stars Out Of 4
