The Foreigner: Movie Review
"The Foreigner" is about a low key man named Qan Shin (Jackie Chan) who loses his daughter in a devastating terror attack, to than assume the role of taking vengeance against his daughters killers.
It's simple, but the political intrigue layered in the film is where it really takes a turn. Most films of this type of genre would take the easy way out and let Chan take the wheel. Instead director Martin Campbell (Casino Royale) crafts a politically charged drama with Pierce Brosnan at the helm.
Watching Pierce Brosnan and Jackie Chan together on screen is like experiencing a chess match play out. It's some of the most fun I've had at the movies this year and it's all due to the acting chops that these two great actors display.
The film is also as timely as ever (terrorist attacks) and never seems to break a stride in it's pacing. Sure it's a bit contrived here and there, taking me out of it's story and intrigue, but it doesn't take long for Jackie Chan to be around the corner and have some unbelievably realistic fight scenes.
I can't imagine someone walking out and saying they didn't have a good time, it's that good. The story is interesting, Chan is stepping into new shoes with a dramatic role, and the action scenes are some of the best this year. It would be a real shame to miss one of the best action films this year, go see it!
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