Life Movie Review

Life: A Fun But Flawed Science Fiction Horror Film

"Life" is such a blatant copy of so many other better done Science Fiction films, that its hard to truly recommend it. But there are a plethora of good ideas in "Life" that seem short changed by a lack of character development and script.

Aboard a space station, a group of scientists find a small life form from Mars that eventually becomes lethal. The life form is fascinating to watch as it expands and outsmarts the scientists throughout the film. But the most brutally graphic moments really create a tension that is otherwise no where to be seen with the main cast. 

Jake Gyllenhaal gives somewhat of a pulse to a boring and uninteresting character, which goes for almost all the characters on board as well. But truly, the almost embarrassingly, shameful acting  performance is by Ryan Reynolds (who looks like he stumbled onto the wrong set). His snarky comments and wit, don't fit the film at all, and it's a waste of a performance from an otherwise solid actor. 

So obviously the negatives outweigh the positives, but I can't deny that I had a lot of fun experiencing it. Watching this life form pick off the scientists one by one is exhilarating and "Life" really never gives the audience time to breath. It's characters are boring and the script is paper thin, but the visuals and surprises here and there give "Life" the extra boost it needs to be a silly but passable science fiction film.

2 1/2 Stars Out Of 4
