Get Out Movie Review

Get Out: A horror film with a pinch of racial tension

Say what you will about Jordan Peele's comedy, he has entered a new realm of genre. "Get Out" combines suspense with a subtle message about liberal elitism, and hits a home run. 

Chris Washington (Daniel Kaluyya) is a successful photographer who ends up going to his girlfriends parents estate for a getaway weekend. But as it turns out, the young African American male finds out he was meant to stumble upon the estate for a reason. 

From the hypnotic Catherine Keener to a kick ass performance by Kaluyya, its hard to look away from what director Jordan Peele has created here. While most horror movies rely on a formulaic plot, "Get Out" has a ton more to say about modern society but it never feels as if Peele is shoving it down our throat. Besides the subtle messages throughout its just a solid horror movie to boot. 

Obviously though it's hard to get away from certain cliches as they try a few jump scares here and there that don't always work out to well and our main character isn't all that fleshed out, except a scene with Missy Armitage which is played perfectly by Catherine Keener, that somewhat gives context to our main character. But the main draw here is the suspense and tension that the film creates. 

That is to say though you have to be a B horror movie fan to enjoy it as "Get Out" has surprisingly a lot of funny moments that keeps it light. Specifically with Rod Williams played by LilRel Howery who gives a knockout performance as Washington's best friend. It keeps the mood light as the tone does get very disturbing and serious at times. 

Jordan Peele has created a truly fun and introspective horror movie about racial tension. There are some weaknesses here and there, but it never took me out of the movie while watching it. For first time Peele as director, it's impressive, as the film is taught and extremely well edited throughout. From beginning to end "Get Out" kept me riveted. 

Definitely Recommended

3 Stars Out of 4
